
The association operates according to the constitution which follows.

  1. Basic.
    1. The Association shall be known as 'The Lock Collectors Association'.
    2. The Aims of the Association shall be to:
      1. Promote, encourage and contribute to the advancement of lock collecting in all its related branches.
      2. Encourage the preparation and publication of books, guides, journals and papers bearing on lock collecting.
      3. Assist and encourage young Lock Collectors.
      4. Encourage the detection and prevention of locks, safe plates, fakes, forgeries and spurious material.
      5. Provide opportunities for exchange of information and social intercourse between all members.
  2. Membership.
    1. Membership of the Association shall be open to any person who, having expressed an interest in the aims of the Association, pays the annual subscription
  3. Calendar.
    1. The Association's Year runs from 1st June to 31st May and the Annual Subscription (which shall be determined after assessment by the Committee and approved at a General Meeting of the members) falls due on 1st June in every year. The subscription of a member's close family relative shall be limited to one-half of that ordinarily payable; a similar amount shall be payable by bona fide Students aged 18 years or under.
  4. Binding Effect of Constitution and Rules.
    1. A member having paid the proper subscription shall be held to have:
      1. accepted this Constitution and
      2. submitted to the Rules of the Association as shall from time to time be determined by the Committee.
  5. Resignation, Suspension and Expulsion.
    1. A member resigning shall give to the Secretary notice in writing which must be received by 30th May in relation to the ensuing Association year. Unless such notice is given a member shall be required to pay the subscription for the following membership year.
    2. A member who has not paid the required subscription for the current association year four months after the due date for such subscription shall lose all privileges of membership until the necessary payment is made. A member still in arrears six months after the due date for payment of subscription shall be removed from the Association's records of membership.
    3. If any matter affecting the character or conduct of any member shall be brought before the Committee, they shall have an absolute discretion to require such member to resign, and failing such resignation, to expel such member from the Association, but full opportunity shall first be given to such member to explain any such matter. If any member violates the Rules of the Association, or acts in any way contrary to the objects of the Association, the member shall at the absolute discretion of the Committee be required to resign and failing such resignation be expelled.
    4. The votes of two-thirds of the Committee present at a meeting summoned for that purpose shall be necessary to require resignation of or to expel a member.
  6. The Committee.
    1. The governing body of the Association shall be the Committee whose membership shall include the Officers of the Association, namely: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Secretary, together with such other members as may be co-opted as hereinafter provided.
    2. All Officers and members of the Committee shall be elected annually by a simple majority of those attending the Annual General Meeting.
    3. The Committee may co-opt up to four additional members from the members of the Association.
  7. Auditor.
    1. An Honorary Auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for the ensuing year.
    2. The accounts of the Association shall be submitted for audit once every year to the Honorary Auditor, who shall be entitled to examine all the books and vouchers, and to receive all the information and explanation he requires and who shall be required to certify whether or not the books and accounts are in order.
  8. Meetings.
    1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year on a date to be determined by the Committee and convened by the Secretary on not less than 14 days notice.
    2. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall consist of the following matters:
      1. minutes and matters arising
      2. presentation of reports and accounts
      3. election of Officers and members of the Committee, and the appointment of an Honorary Auditor; and
      4. consider any motions of which due notice has been given, and any other relevant business.
    3. Any Member may appoint in writing another Member (including the Chairman of the Meeting) to be a proxy vote on their behalf at any Annual General meeting or Special General meeting.
  9. Amendments.
    1. Amendments to this constitution shall require the assent of two thirds of the members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting, or a Special General Meeting. Any resolution for such amendment must be received by the Secretary of the Association at least 28 days before the Meeting at which the resolution is to be considered. At least 20 days notice of such meeting must be given by the Secretary to the membership and must include notice of the amendment proposed.
  10. Dissolution of the Association.
    1. The Association may be dissolved by a resolution passed by two thirds majority of those present and voting at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose of which 28 days prior notice has been given to members. Such resolution shall give instructions for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of the Association. Provided that if any assets remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities such assets shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the Association, but shall be given to or transferred to a body or institution (including a Museum) whose aims are appropriate to those of the Association as aforesaid, to be designated by the Committee.
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